Each day, I lose myself in my garden, a true permaculturist. I live a holistic life that is relatively stress-free, listening and working with nature, life’s rhythm, universal energy, and myself rather than trying to work against them. 

It is my belief that this energy vibrates further and that we as conscious BEings, have a greater tendency to focus on and to affiliate with nature and all other life forms, to think and heal to just feel connected with all life force.  Biophilia translates to ‘the passionate love of life and of all that is alive’, human attraction and connection to all energy, that is alive and vital that is rooted in our biology and is beneficial to both parties.  We are as connected with our surroundings as they are to us; we survive with the sustenance of what is supplied to us and we give back and nurture that which we touch.  The ‘healer’ (herb, food, or healing modality) will present itself and be shown to you, it may appear growing in your own garden or this ‘healer’ enters in your point of visuals every time you walk past a particular garden, place or thing, or a friend may drop over with a Quantum Frequency device, or simply bring over some garlic and chicken soup.  It all has divine timing and a deeper connection to our innate attraction to nature and natural process for healing.

“the passionate love of life and of all that is alive.”

This state or balance, biophilia is evident in my garden, in my life.  Whatever grows in my garden is what I eat, if anything grows with abundance, I know that either I need to look at what nutrients the produce provides and whether it is for me that Sophia (Mother Earth, Gaia) is providing.  During this time of healing, I suffered with many symptoms of the liver.  Even though I do not feel my liver to be the problem, I can see an abundance of milk thistle growing in my garden, at the time I pay no attention to this abundance, I am not in tune with me now. 

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