Types of Healing Therapies

Mindset medicine, human design, gene keys

Health is initiated on more than the physical. Mindset and perspectives, past and present trauma, social and spiritual connection all influence wellbeing. An awareness of these elements permeates everything we do: to treat the mind-body relationship and how physiology is affected by mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

My Human Design and Gene Keys coaching is an offering: from basic analysis or you can have an in-depth reading. An in-depth interpretation will include an interpretation with interwoven approaches that are specific to everyone individual. The focus of the session is on self-awareness, identifying and transforming triggers, wound patterns, relationship triggers and discovering the true nature of oneself.

Our Connection with Nature

We are our own healers; we innately know how to heal ourselves, to fix our own life dramas and manifest our life journey into whatever we desire.

We have not listened to ourselves for so long, that knowing when to listen, or what to listen to, or even what to listen for, is very difficult in this very noisy world.

It is my belief that this energy vibrates further and that we as conscious BEings, have a greater tendency to focus on and to affiliate with nature and all other life forms, to think and heal, to just feel connected with all life force. Biophilia translates to ‘the passionate love of life and of all that is alive’, human attraction and connection to all energy, that is alive and vital that which is rooted in our biology and is beneficial to both parties.

Lifestyle Prescription

Imagine a lifestyle that creates wellbeing and good health. This lifestyle exists, and it is possible for everyone. Living a life which promotes happiness, wellness, and love, can create a healthy life.  Your daily habits can either create health or lead to DISease and disfunction.

Lifestyle prescriptions can have the biggest success of all the prescriptions as they require you to fully commit to the therapy, and accept, allow, and embrace it with open arms.  It is your new way of BEing.  It is about changing your daily habits and promoting happy, healthy energetic healing. Together, you will create plans to enhance your lifestyle so that you get the most out of life.

  • Exercise routine – just having fun, moving your body.
  • Stretching – taking on a stretching routine.
  • Dance – put on your favourite tune and dance like your life depends on it.
  • Swimming – go to the ocean and start swimming, return to where it all started.
  • Hiking – go for a walk in the forest or on the beach, connect with Mother Sophia (Gaia).
  • Garden – cultivate the soil, prepare it for the abundance it will provide you.

Quantum Prescription

I have delved into quantum physics and how it impacts our health. We know and understand that the human body is controlled and regulated by energy and frequency; ultimately our health is not dictated by nutrition and lifestyle alone but by coherence within the individual system.

I will re-establish your cellular resonance and assist you in understanding ways that you can facilitate and maintain your natural cellular resonance with quantum laws, utilising various bioenergetic techniques.

With my understanding of natural quantum laws and how they regulate the human energy system, I treat the BEing with:

  • Quantum electrodynamics – in a pure form of healing
  • Heliotherapy – natural sunlight for the treatment of symptoms and conditions
  • Energy medicine
  • Homeopathy

Naturopathic Prescription

With my experience in natural medicine, I will provide you with the least invasive and most balanced approach to your health goals. 

The modalities I use include:

  • Investigation of the root cause of your condition or presentation
  • Individualized treatment plans
  • Customized nutrition plans
  • Botanical medicine prescriptions
  • Natural supplement prescriptions
  • Detoxification support
  • Anti-aging techniques 
  • Mind-Body medicine techniques
  • Education 

Motivation Prescription

I will be your teammate and coach when you need it, through your transformational journey. Choosing to reclaim and renew your health is not all smooth sailing and sometimes you need that extra push. I am here to get you motivated again to stay on your path of wellness. Focusing on what motivates you to becomes the best version of yourself.

Mindset Prescription

Health is not just about being physically well. Overall health requires psychological and emotional harmony; a sense of resilience and adaptability; and social and spiritual connection. All of this begins with self-awareness. A self-awareness and knowing who we are.

From an early age we develop adaptive patterns which assist us to survive childhood. These evolve, based on survival needs throughout the course of our lifetime. Some of these behavioural modes, once selected for basic survival, can become problematic in life and cause additional issues. By releasing these patterns, we take back to our own power and ultimately your sense of self.

I will support you to release and re-pattern using:

  • Human Design
  • Gene Keys
  • Mindset Reframing
  • Spiritual Healing
  • Metaphysical Anatomy techniques
  • Breathwork