How Gene Keys Work

The central premise to Gene Keys is that we have the 64 archetypes of the Chinese I Ching (hexagrams) hidden inside of us. It is our deeper purpose, our pure ‘essence’ as a BEing. It is encoded in our DNA.  To understand ones Gene Keys, you should have a basic understanding of your Human Design. Human Design combines your astrological positions from the time and place of your birth with the I Ching and fixes the code of life to a single moment of imprinting. Add Gene Keys and now I can create your map of the spectrum of consciousness.

This map is divided into 3 levels of human states of consciousness, called the Shadow, the Gift, and the Siddhi. With your birth time, I can show you specific patterns of consciousness that govern your life. These patterns, which are dependent on frequency, play a role in our psychological and spiritual development.

Wonderful Paradox

‘The technique of pausing leads us to a wonderful paradox – the more we slow down, the more life appears to expand. In other words, the more frequently we learn to pause and take a breath, the more space we feel and the clearer our mind becomes. This lucid mind can then make clear and unhurried decisions throughout our day.’

Clearing your Mind

‘As you move deeper into contemplation, and as it moves deeper into you, it has the wonderful effect of clearing your mind, as though you had just wiped a grubby windowpane with a warm soapy cloth. Such clarity is genuinely rare in our modern world. As it deepens you will become deeply respected by others, since a person who can see through the miasmas of the mind is someone who can help anyone in almost any situation imaginable.’

More Clarity

‘The purpose of contemplation is to create more clarity in our lives by helping us diffuse challenges. You can begin this process right now if you wish. You can think about the issue that you currently find most challenging in your life and make that the focus of your contemplation. As you begin to wrap your head and heart around this challenge, and as long as you don’t pressure yourself in any way, your contemplation
will begin to reveal it in a new light. Your mind will stop tensing up whenever you think of this issue, which means you will more easily be able to come to an inner or outer resolution. This technique is really about holding the problem gently inside yourself and simply breathing into it. This approach to contemplation leads to wisdom and

Universal Appeal

‘The art of contemplation has universal appeal to all personality types. Whether you are visual, kinaesthetic or have a strong logical bent, you can adapt your favoured techniques to the subject of your contemplation. The main point is to use the moment to elevate your own thinking and feeling. If you are visual then you can use the wonderful power of your imagination to create an image of peace, love or beauty right inside your body and mind. If you are more physically oriented, you can use a physical practice such as running or yoga as a means to purify your thinking and bring focus and clarity to your inner state. As your practice becomes more advanced, you will realise that you can use anything as a subject for contemplation, so long as it inspires and uplifts your spirit.’


‘Think about the day you had yesterday. Try and recall some of the events that took place and then think about its overall feeling. When you came to the end of the day, how did you feel? Many of us get to the end of the day and just collapse onto the sofa or into bed without a sense of the day that we just had. As you learn the art of pausing, your days will begin to feel very different. They will expand as though you are somehow pumping more time and space into them. You will also gain a wider sense of perspective on your life. Rather than simply hurtling through your day, you will see where it fits into a wider pattern, and this will give you an increased sense of patience and ease.

You will begin to remember a fundamental life truth: if you push against the current, you will end up exhausted. Whereas if you find your own natural, harmonic rhythm, things will operate far more efficiently all around you.’

Wonderful Paradox

‘The technique of pausing leads us to a wonderful paradox – the more we slow down, the more life appears to expand. In other words, the more frequently we learn to pause and take a breath, the more space we feel and the clearer our mind becomes. This lucid mind can then make clear and unhurried decisions throughout our day’.

Richard Rudd