You may have seen me as a participant on MAFs. If you are unsure what this ‘MAFs’ is, it is a reality TV show where they get two complete strangers to meet and get married on TV. This is not a legal marriage, rather a commitment ceremony, and the couple stay committed to stay in the experiment, living as a married couple. An experiment as a married couple to a TV husband, where you do not know each other, what could possibly go wrong? … hahaaa maybe just a few things.
There is not too much REAL in REALITY TV with an abundance of ‘invented drama’ by producers for IMPACT and storyline! The experience was horrendous and anyone that states otherwise after a few months, even years, has clearly forgotten; which is ok, we all want to forget! The catastrophe that lingers and haunts you, is the digital record of the ‘relationship’ you had which is played out on television, that conflicts with your own reality of events, and then in a funny duplicity, you are unaware of what was REAL.
It is safe to say that the experiment did not help me find love with another BEing, and I am single again. Along the way, I had many ups and downs until finally I just lost myself. Although from this process I became stronger, a stronger version of ME. These experiences have helped me to develop a deeper love for myself, mind body spirit, find universal love energy, realise, and accept my life journey. It is rare that we get to put ourselves in a situation where we relinquish our power of control, our resolve is tested to see what type of BEing are you. Will you choose the option to ‘belong’, seeing it beneficial to compare and align with others, or will you stand alone, empower you, support your growth, take your unique path, walk your truth, inner strength and love your uniqueness? That was my experiment, understanding that I can take control of my mind, make the right choice, and love, love ME.
None of us get out of MAFs with this knowledge. It took a lot of work, a barrage of work, on my body, mind, and soul. The afterMAF the period after being on reality tv, but in particular, MAFs, is a syndrome, a DISease (healing conflict) in itself. No one can prepare you for this, it is your experience; you need to heal, see the truth, feel safe again, find love for yourself. I was looking for someone to help me do this and I found ME.
My time on MAFs brought up some unresolved traumas for me and I did not know how to deal with them at the time. If you couple that with being in an unfamiliar environment, irregular filming schedule, having nonliving food choices as meals; these are prime conditions for gaining a protective layer of fat. Released and rattled physically, mentally, and emotionally, by this experience, I entered 2020, the year of BEing 50. Symbolically, it was the beginning of a new chapter, the start of the next half century of my life. I was going to be fabulous and fifty before my BIG 5, 0 and I was not going to let anything stop me! NOTHING!
It was ironic, as almost everything stopped me, even my body wanted to put a stop on things. It was clear that nothing was going to plan. I wanted MY PLANS, MY WAY!
But it turns out 2020 changed everyone’s life and plans, not just mine; life is divine. The year 2020, and the shift in energy and life as we know it was phenomenal and we would never go back to how it was ever again. I will still be Fabulous and Fifty! Just in the way that it was intended to be, not my way…
I feel fortunate that MAFs showed me, my real self; an empowered, honest, and strong woman with a playful and witty approach to life. Some of us have personalities that are so BIG even television producers cannot cover them up. #aftermaf #mafs #marriedatfirstsightaustralia